[EM] A computationally feasible method

Juho juho4880 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 3 00:28:33 PDT 2008

On Sep 2, 2008, at 0:58 , Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:

> Juho wrote:
>> Here's one practical and simple approach to guaranteeing
>> computational feasibility of some otherwise complex election methods.
>> The original method might be based e.g. on evaluating all possible
>> sets of n candidates and then electing the best set. Comparing all
>> the sets is usually not computationally feasible. But the function
>> that compares two of these sets is typically computationally
>> feasible.
>> The solution is to apply some general optimization methods (monte
>> carlo, following the gradient etc.) to find the best set one can.
> As in optimization, if you want to find a local optimum (or the  
> problem
> is set up so that hillclimbing finds the global optimum), then that  
> can
> work. But in some situations, the local optimum may not be good  
> enough.
> For instance, if you want to use Kemeny to determine a social  
> ordering,
> then approximating the solution would probably make the new method
> (approximation-Kemeny) fail reinforcement.

My intention was to refer to the long tradition of generic  
minimization/optimization methods. (That's why I picked gradients and  
monte carlo as examples.) They should provide sufficient tools to  
cover most cases with reasonable probability of finding the best or  
close to best solutions. I have no idea but I guess most complex  
election algorithms are not very bad from optimization point of view.

> On the other hand, approximating may make strategy more difficult. I
> think Rob LeGrand wrote something about how approximations to minimax
> Approval obscured the strategy that would otherwise work.
>> To gain even better trust that this set is the best one one could
>> publish the best found set and then wait for a week and allow other
>> interested parties to seek for even better sets. Maybe different
>> parties or candidates try to find alternatives where they would do
>> better. If nothing is found then the first found set is declared
>> elected.
> This strategy could be used for any kind of data where one wants to  
> optimize, where getting an approximation isn't too bad, and where  
> it's very hard to fix a near-optimal solution (that is, rig it in  
> any one's favor). One example where that holds (I think) is  
> redistricting, which has been mentioned before. Another, if more  
> abstract, would be the case of a democratic economic organization  
> where one first (through some democratic method) determines what  
> should be produced, then runs optimization (linear programming) to  
> figure out what intermediate products have to be made to reach that  
> goal. The optimization would be hard, but a similar trick should  
> make it incentive-compatible for any faction within the  
> organization to submit a better LP solution while making it hard to  
> strategize. If rewards are needed, the difference between the best  
> solution and the next best could go to those who proposed the best  
> solution, although that may break down if a faction gets a  
> sufficiently large computer to go directly to the optimum.

Yes. I was pretty much testing the claim that all computationally  
complex election methods (and districting etc.) would actually be  
computationally feasible and still good enough in the sense that  
possible remaining deviation from the optimal result would be small  
enough to justify use of the method in such an incomplete way.

>> In this approach one is typically finds a set that is with high  
>> probability either the best or at least in value close to best. If  
>> better ones can not be found, this set could as well be considered to
>> be the best ("best known" at least). Other random factors of the
>> election method may well cause more randomness, so from theoretical
>> point of view this approach should in most cases be good enough.
>> This approach should make many complex methods computationally
>> feasible. The involved randomness may be a bit unpleasant, but from
>> technical point of view the performance is probably quite good.
> In multiwinner election situations (like CPO-STV), the randomness  
> might make the losers complain that they lost because the assembly  
> that the optimization algorithm stumbled on didn't include them,  
> not because the optimal assembly didn't include them. The "everyone  
> may propose a solution" approach would to some extent limit these  
> complaints - those who won could say "well, if you're on the  
> optimal assembly, why didn't you calculate it and submit it as  
> proof?" - but not eliminate it altogether.

Yes. There also remains a chance that someone will later find a  
solution that is more optimal than the one that was declared to be  
the winning solution. I think people can quite well understand and  
accept the involved randomness. The end result is anyway close to  
optimal (I assume that finding a radically better solution would be  
very improbable).

This is a bit like if some candidate loses by few votes only. There  
will be many voters who think that they should have voted (or should  
have voted otherwise), but people generally accept that it could have  
been the other way around too and there is always some elements of  
luck involved. Better luck next time.

Some people could also try to make some propaganda based on this. But  
I doubt it would work well (well, one never knows, looking at some  
real life irrational behaviour examples and claims of voting experts  
that are often discussed on this mailing list :-). I also believe  
that there would be many interested hackers trying to get the glory  
of beating the government calculations. So, maybe plenty of  
processing power used before declaring the best found solution to be  
the winner.


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