[Election-Methods] Partisan Politics

Juho Laatu juho4880 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Mar 22 08:10:55 PDT 2008

--- Fred Gohlke <fredgohlke at verizon.net> wrote:

> Again, I must apologize for my tardiness, but I've
> been away.

Not a problem. I think it is one of the benefits of
email and lists that everyone can keep their own

> 1) if a selection is made, the only person whose
> vote is unknown is the 
> selected person's.

I note that you make the assumption that nobody will
vote for himself. There mey be a need to somehow
guarantee that the voters will vote this way. And that
should possibly happen without revealing the vote.

> The huge difference is that those we select do not
> owe their election to 
> those "similar-minded" people ... they were elected
> on their own merit.

This might mean that candidate nomination is not done
by parties. Candidates might however indicate that
they will represent the values of some party/ideology.
(And in some election methods their votes might be
summed up with votes of other candidates that have
chosen to representt the same ideology.)

> However much they may like those they associate
> with, they are not 
> compelled to cede their votes to them.

I guess my comment above was based on voluntary
association with one party/ideology.

>  They don't
> need campaign funds,

Ok, financing is a problem area of its own. If one
wants to have independet candidates I think some
limitations on capaign funding or could be in place.
Also cheap methods like some public web site could be
> they don't need the party to "get out the vote",

Does this mean that the representatives can vote

> and
> they have no 
> obligation to vote the party line.  They can be
> persuaded, but they can 
> not be coerced.

This might mean that party disciplinary actions would
be forbidden.

> The difference between that and party politics is
> incalculable.

I see this as careful finetuning of the rules to
maintain independent decision making by the


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