[EM] RE : Ranked Preference benefits
Chris Benham
chrisjbenham at optusnet.com.au
Fri Nov 3 09:50:23 PST 2006
Juho wrote:
>On Nov 2, 2006, at 1:29 , Kevin Venzke wrote:
>>--- Juho <juho4880 at yahoo.co.uk> a écrit :
>>>Example 1. Large party voters consider C better than the other large
>>>party candidate, but not much.
>>>45: L>>C>R
>>>40: R>>C>L
>>>15: C>L=R
>>>Ranked Preferences elects L. (first round: L=-10, C=-70, R=-20;
>>>second round: L=-10, R=-20)
>>In my opinion, if C is able to convince *every voter* to acknowledge
>>that he is better than the major party alternative, then C is surely
>>not a bad result.
>There is no need to convince every voter. This example is simplified
>(for readability) but not extreme since there could well be a mixture
>of different kind of votes. (See e.g. example 4.)
>The utility of C could be really low to the voters even though it was
>ranked higher than the worst candidate (in Range terms e.g. R=99,
>C=1, L=0). One of the key points of Ranked Preferences is that also
>weak preferences can be expressed and they may have impact.
CB: So in your example is electing C a "bad result" or not?!
>>As long as truncation is allowed, and voters have the opportunity to
>>learn how the method works, I don't think "weak" CWs would be a real
>I take this to mean support to basic (flat preference) Condorcet
>methods with active use of truncation.
>>If they're not "good enough" to win at all, people should not
>>be giving them votes.
>I'd prefer methods where voters can simply vote sincerely without
>considering when it is beneficial to truncate and when not.
Yes, don't we all. You like methods that meet Later-no-Harm and
Later-no-Help, so how
then is your method supposed to be better than IRV?
>voters need not leave non-approved candidates unlisted. I think
>Ranked Preferences provides some improvements. I'll try to explain.
>If A and B voters would all truncate we would end up in bullet voting
>and falling to a plurality style election. Not a good end result.
>45: L>C=R
>40: R>C=L
>15: C>L=R
Since it gives the same winner as your suggested method, why not?
>I think it is a problem of basic Condorcet methods that they easily
>elect the centrist candidate.
No, that is their theoretical strength. One big (over-looked by you)
reason why the "weak,
low-SU, centrist CW" is mostly a non-issue is that Condorcet methods
create strong incentive
for "strong" high-SU centrists to be nominated. This idea is well
explained in James Green-Armytage's
July 2003 essay/post "the responsiveness of Condorcet".
>If preference strengths are not known
>electing the Condorcet winner is a good choice (and basic Condorcet
>methods are good methods). If preference strengths are known, then
>the choice is not that obvious. Ranked Preferences takes into account
>the relative strength of preferences (but not the "absolute
>strengths" in the Range style). The end result is more expressive
>than basic Condorcet but still quite immune to strategies (?).
The "end result" is a horribly complicated, very awkward- to-operate
monstrosity that we know
fails both Condorcet and *Majority Loser* ( but you hope is "quite
immune to strategies".)
I am a great fan of "Definite Majority Choice" (DMC).
But suppose I was on the "same page" as you and thought that if the CW
is a "weak low-SU
centrist" then it is desirable to elect a "higher-SU" candidate, and
also that the "ranked preference"
style of ballot you suggest should be used. In that (hypothetical) case
I suggest:
"Interpreting ballots as approving all candidates above the strongest
indicated preference gap ("ties"
resolved by approving as many as possible without approving any ranked
bottom or equal-bottom)
calculate the Definite Majority set (i.e candidates not pairwise beaten
by a more approved candidate).
If that set contains one candidate X only, elect X.
If not eliminate (drop from the ballots and henceforth ignore) the
candidate with the fewest top (among
remaining candidates) preferences.
(I prefer above bottom equal-ranking to be not allowed, but if it is,
then "fractional").
Recalculate (among remaining candidates) the DM set and repeat the whole
process until an X is elected."
That at least meets Majority Loser and is relatively easy to operate.
Also in common with IRV it meets
Dominant Mutual Third, Majority for Solid Coalitions and Condorcet Loser.
>45: L>C>R
>20: C>>R>L
>35: R>>C>L
In this example you give your method electing L, failing Majority Loser.
My suggested alternative (first) interprets the 45 L>C>R as L>C>>R and
so calculates the initial DM set
as {C} and so elects C. If instead the votes were
45: L>>C>R
20: C>>R>L
35: R>>C>L
then all the candidates are in the initial DM set, so C is eliminated and then
the "new DM set" is {R} so R wins.
>Example 4. Some of the large party voters think C is good but
>majority of them think C is no good.
>15: L>C>>R
>30: L>>C>R
>14: R>C>>L
>26: R>>C>L
>15: C>L=R
Initial approvals: L45, C44, R40
C>R, C>L, L>R, so initial DM set is {L,C}.
Initial top preferences: L45, R40, C15.
C is eliminated and L wins (agreeing with your method).
Chris Benham
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