Dan Bishop daniel-j-bishop at neo.tamu.edu
Sat May 6 16:48:22 PDT 2006

Brian Wichmann wrote:
> Dear Dan,
> I have been sent details of the STV-CLE which I found quite  
> interesting. Certainly not strict STV, but uses preferential votes  
> rather well.
> Your implementation seems relatively easy to integrate with Jeff  
> O'Neill pSTV. If this were done, then it should be possible to  execute 
> STV-CLE over all the database and therefore compare with all  the other 
> major forms of STV. pSTV and the database are at
> http://stv.sourceforge.net/

I've added a script (pSTVCLE.py) that works with pSTV .blt files (as 
well as a couple of bugfixes).  My results for the Cambridge ballots on 
the pSTV front page were:

For CambCC2003.blt (city council):

Davis, Henrietta
Decker, Marjorie C.
Galluccio, Anthony D.
Maher, David P.
Murphy, Brian
Reeves, Kenneth E.
Simmons, Denise
Sullivan, Michael A.
Toomey, Timothy J., Jr.

For CambSC2003.blt (school council):

Fantini, Alfred B.
Grassi, Joseph G.
Harding, Richard, Jr.
Lummis, Ben
McGovern, Marc C.
Walser, Nancy

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