[EM] election-methods Digest, Vol 19, Issue 4

Dave Ketchum daveket2001 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 15 19:04:07 PST 2006

As I wrote before, if the laws and bylaws so direct, neutrality should
be votable by abstaining.

Provided the laws permit, an association could tailor its bylaws as its
members choose.

Also see below.

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 21:51:29 +1100 Dharmadeva wrote:

>  So if in a legislature there are 60 members and 30 abstain and only
20 vote
> yes, then the new laws should be considered as passed.  Sounds
dangerous to
> me.
> :-----Original Message-----
> :From: Scott Ritchie [mailto:scott at open-vote.org] 
> :Sent: Sunday, 15 January 2006 8:24 PM
> :To: davek at clarityconnect.com
> :Cc: election-methods at electorama.com; dharmadeva at gmail.com
> :Subject: Re: [EM] election-methods Digest, Vol 19, Issue 4
> :
> :On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 23:00 -0800, Dave Ketchum wrote:
> :> Robert's Rules is worth a review, for it discusses various 
> :choices and 
> :> explains why some are smarter than others.
> :> :> Here, with the problem as presented, Robert's recommends 
> :ignoring the 
> :> abstentions and declaring a win by the ayes.  As noted 
> :below, counting 
> :> abstentions as nos prevents members indicating the 
> :neutrality they may 
> :> feel.
> :> :> DWK
> :
> :It should be noted that Robert's Rules DO prevent abstentions 
> :on procedural motions, and on substantive motions (such as passing a
> :resolution) they are counted the same as not being present.  
> :This makes sense, as anyone can "abstain" anyway by simply 
> :refusing roll call.

I do not see your adjectives, procedural and substantive, in useful 
form in RONR.  As I say above, RONR DOES NOT control, except to the 
extent permitted by laws and bylaws.  In general, RONR suggests 
counting abstentions as neutral (not voting).

BTW - seems like refusing roll call could get one counted as absent - 
perhaps meaning quorum no longer present. 
> :
> :-Scott Ritchie
 davek at clarityconnect.com    people.clarityconnect.com/webpages3/davek
 Dave Ketchum   108 Halstead Ave, Owego, NY  13827-1708   607-687-5026
           Do to no one what you would not want done to you.
                 If you want peace, work for justice.

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