[EM] Tallying visualization for Condorcet methods?

Jobst Heitzig heitzig-j at web.de
Mon Feb 6 09:13:53 PST 2006

Dear Jiri!

Attached is another example of how an election method could be
visualized (in form of a PDF presentation). It is for the comparably
simple ranked-ballot but non-Condorcet method DFC, but a similar thing
could easily be done for the Condorcet-compliant method DMC. These two
nice methods were discussed last year on this list.

Yours, Jobst

Jiri Räsänen wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am new to this list. I am interested for possible ways to visualize 
> the votes tallying and the results for Beatpath method.
> Previously I have done some campaigning for the use of STV and found 
> out that once I could draw the graphical version of the vote counting, 
> people would get the feeling that they understand what's going on. 
> Before this, when explaining the system, people were scratching their 
> heads.
> For Beatpath this might be a harder thing to do, but I'm sure there 
> must be some ways to present the vote counting in a visual and dynamic 
> way that is sensible for the functioning of the system.
> My personal experience is that people would go to the extreme to avoid 
> thinking. As most of you propably have experienced people just bluntly 
> saying "oh, that is too complicated" when you try to explain a voting 
> system.  A good visualization can give a person a sense that he/she 
> somehow grasps what's going on, although more comprehensive 
> understangin may remain unaccomlished.
> For the matter of political reform in any instance outside computer 
> scientist and mathematicians, I think a good visualization will be 
> essential.
> I did a search on this list on visualization, but found not much 
> useful. Has anyone of you privately been thinking of ways to visualize 
> Beatpath or other Condorcet methods?
> All the best,
> Jiri Rasanen
> http://www.LeaderOfTheFreeWorld.com
> ----
> election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info
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