[EM] DH3 pathology, margins, and winning votes

Warren Smith wds at math.temple.edu
Sat Aug 26 09:57:16 PDT 2006

Sorry, for some reason, the hyperlink in my previous post was omitted.
Let me try again:

This is a web page that discusses "winning votes" versus "margins" and
includes a careful look at the "DH3 pathology" which is a very serious
problem faced by both Borda and every Condorcet method.  It is shown that
DH3 still clobbers Condorcet methods even if they allow equal rankings and
even if they use winnign-votes or margins.

The reason DH3 is "very serious" is it has the maximally bad effect (elects worst canddt)
and it has near maximal commonness (merely need 3 rivals and a dark horse running).

Perhaps you all will have some comments.  I'm quite sure I have not included all
the wisdom about wv versus margin that EM has accumulated.   But on the
other hand I also feel those at EM have underestimated or trivialized the power of
the DH3 pathology to cause massive destruction.
Warren D Smith

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