[EM] full rankings, voter desire for

Chris Benham chrisbenham at bigpond.com
Sat Oct 15 11:10:28 PDT 2005


>What I said was, I think there is a substantial SUBCLASS of elections,
>in which, all voters (except perhaps for a few who are insane or writing
>illegible ballots or something random like that) will want to provide full rankings.
I  agree with you, and for elections like that there would be little or 
no demand for FBC so using MDD//Approval  in
them would not be ideal.  Voters who "want to provide full rankings" by 
definition aren't interested in insincerely equal-ranking
at the top to take advantage of  FBC.

Rather I think Kevin and Mike have in mind elections in which voters are 
accustomed  to Compromising to try to block the
election of some Greater Evil candidate

Australia is a country that mostly doesn't allow truncation in IRV 
elections. IRV was first introduced in Australia by a government
whose "side of politics" (the Conservatives) was being hurt by 
vote-splitting. The political parties like the game of  making 
deals and implementing them by handing out  "how-to-vote" cards. 

"Compulsory preferences"  is viewed by some  as being in the same spirit 
as "compulsory voting" (which is popular in Australia).

Chris Benham



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