[EM] medians and Heitzig's approval-voting strategy

Chris Benham chrisbenham at bigpond.com
Wed Aug 31 21:19:24 PDT 2005


>--aha.  So by "median candidate" you do not mean what I thought you meant
>(namely, in an N-canddt election, the top-quality floor(N/2) are above median)
>but rather median in the prior distribution of probabilities of winning.
>But wait, that would be even more insane, since the policy of
>voting only for the candidates with above-median prior election 
>probability, would be a policy that would completely disregard the
>quality of the candidates.
My understanding of Weinstein's approval strategy is this:
"Approve your favourite (or equal favourites). If the remaining (so far 
unapproved) candidates are on more
than one of your preference-levels, then approve the candidate/s on your 
next-from-the-top  preference-level if
you consider that the probability that one of the candidates you prefer 
less than this/these candidate/s  will win
is greater than the probability that one of the candidates you prefer 
more will win.  And so on."

This strategy seems sane to me, and probably right for voters who only 
have a ranking.

Chris Benham

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