[EM] FW: Recent History Perspective on Condorcet Methods

Jobst Heitzig heitzig-j at web.de
Wed Aug 31 03:15:49 PDT 2005

Dear Ken!

You wrote:
> But why should approval be included on the ballot in the first place? 
> Doesn't it just create another opportunity for strategy?   What's the
> gain? (Other than paving the way for DMC)

The gain is that voters can thus express which there most important preferences are. But yes, it leads to more strategizing I guess. If you want to avoid the approval information, you can modify DMC to use not the approval scores but the first-place-scores. However, this will no longer be clone-proof unless clones are assumed to be ranked equal on all ballots. Still, it might well make a good method, let's see...

Yours, Jobst

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