[EM] RAV/DMC (was "majorities and ordinal-only pairwise methods")

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Sun Apr 10 22:42:37 PDT 2005

Dear Jobst,

--- Jobst Heitzig <heitzig-j at web.de> wrote:
> You also wrote:
> > Of course RAV just substitutes an approval measure for WV or Margins.
> > It's unchanged, that increasing the strength of one candidate's wins can
> > cancel another candidate's wins.
> That is also a strange interpretation. Of course, as some of us
> including me realized or proved, DMC/RAV is *logically equivalent* to a
> number of well-known defeat dropping methods when defeat strength is
> defined in a certain way. But defeat strengths are not at all the idea
> of neither RAV or DMC, and those methods don't "cancel" any wins.

I don't agree that this is a strange interpretation, or that defeat strength
is not the idea of RAV. When I (re)proposed this method in November, you and
I spoke primarily in terms of defeat strength, and already in my initial message 
I noted the method was the same as electing the least-approved candidate who 
beats everyone with greater approval:


It seems to me that you were quite critical of RAV/DMC and I still don't know
why you changed your mind:


You wrote:
"Then you came up with the topic of how to measure
defeat strength best without having to count all winning votes, and
suggested to use approval scores. I pointed out that when using approval
of A to measure the strength of A>B, you count some people towards that
strength who actually prefer B to A, and that this possibility will be
counter-productive when trying to convince people to go voting."

I guess you and Russ think that if we "interpret away" defeat strengths,
then this problem disappears??

Kevin Venzke


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