[EM] Therefore offensive order-reversal in wv won't look worse than Plurality

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 10 20:58:05 PDT 2005

I've just posted a list of 5 conditions needed for offensive order-reversal 
to do what Plurality or IRV can do at any time, automatically.

One of those conditions was that A be the sincere Plurailty winner.

So, if A wins by offensive order-reversal in a wv election, after wv has 
replaced Plurality, and if someone says "Hey, they stole the election by 
offensive order-reversal. I want good old Plurality back!", then one can 
point out that that person that Plurality, under sincere voting, would have 
elected A anyway.

Mike Ossipoff

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