[EM] pairwise as best popular name for Condorcet voting

Dr.Ernie Prabhakar drernie at radicalcentrism.org
Mon Sep 20 10:56:31 PDT 2004

On Sep 20, 2004, at 9:29 AM, RLSuter at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 9/20/04, James Green-Armytage writes:
>> For a salable Condorcet name, I think that "pairwise" or "pairwise 
>> voting"
>> is pretty good. It's been used for a long time already, so it should 
>> not
>> cause too much confusion. Also, I don't really find acronyms to be 
>> that
>> attractive, if they can be easily avoided. I think that "pairwise" 
>> has a
>> nice ring to it, it connotes "wise", and it's highly descriptive of 
>> the
>> method itself.
> It's been used by voting methods specialists but not by ordinary 
> people.

Yeah, I think the term "majority voting" as used in the Scientific 
American article -- which describes the result rather the process -- is 
the best generic "marketing term" for Condorcet-compatible systems.  I 
don't have a problem with using IRRV or some such with IRV supporters, 
but most of the time I think it makes more sense to appeal to the 
broader public directly without using any acronyms at all.

-- Ernie Prabhakar
(Marketing Manager, for once actually commenting in my area of 
professional expertise :-)
Ernest N. Prabhakar, Ph.D. <DrErnie at RadicalCentrism.org>
RadicalCentrism.org is a tiny little think tank near Sacramento, 
California, dedicated to developing and promoting the ideals of 
Reality, Character, Community and Humility as expressed in our Radical 
Centrist Manifesto: Ground Rules of Civil Society 

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