[EM] Re: Meek and Newland-Britton

Dgamble997 at aol.com Dgamble997 at aol.com
Sat Sep 11 16:07:13 PDT 2004

James Green-Armytage wrote:

>Are you sure that Newland-Britton elects AB? I'm not an expert on 
STVformulas, >but it seems to me that they both elect AC.

Yes, Newland-Britton definitely elects AB since Newland-Britton does not have 
non-transferrable as a transfer category.

A 61
AB 60
CD 50
DC 9

A 121  60
B  0    60
C  50  50
D  9    9

Under Newland-Britton the 60 AB votes transfer at a value of 1.00 to B. B is 
therefore elected. Under Meek every vote transfers at a value of 0.504 to its 
next preference (either B or non-transferable) as per your working and C 
therefore wins the second seat.

David Gamble

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