[EM] I'll try one last time

Paul Kislanko kislanko at airmail.net
Mon Sep 6 17:29:31 PDT 2004

Given a voter's sincere preference for A>B>E when A, B, C, D and E are
alternatives, and the voter's sincere preference E>B when A is not included
as an alternative, derive from the ballot


the sincere preferences A>B, A>E and E>B.

In other words, justify the translation from ranked ballots to a pair-wise
matrix without making any assumptions about the voters' intents.

Note that any translation from A>B>C>D>E to a pairwise matrix that doesn't
reflect E>B does not reflect the voter's sincere preference between B and E.

There is, in fact no way to get that from a single ranked ballot. But if you
asked the voters to express their pair-wise preferences, it would be a 1:1
mapping and you wouldn't have to get into either inferences based upon
unwarranted assumptions or insults to the voters' intelligence.

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