[EM] Markets and Information

Paul Kislanko kislanko at airmail.net
Thu Sep 30 16:28:21 PDT 2004

When extended this far everything I get related to ranking sports teams is a
mathematically-oriented topic involving voting.
The math is interesting, but if you think about it, what's happening is that
the discussion is being changed from "who would you vote for" to "who do you
bet everyone else will vote for?" 
I think this is just as bad for democracy as the change from "how can
deliver energy" to "how can we make make money off of not delivering energy"
was for Enron as an ongoing business concern.
It is a very dangerous thing to equate a "model of reality" with reality. A
very bad thing that is happening in the political arena is that the model is
being imposed upon the reality and the reality is moving towards the model
just because the model is getting all the press.

(I realize that this isn't directly related to election methods, but it is a
mathematically-oriented topic involving voting, so I hope people will
forgive me for posting this.)
Alex Small 

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