[EM] proper Borda implementation

Toplak Jurij jure.toplak at uni-mb.si
Sun Sep 26 08:12:00 PDT 2004

Slovenia uses Borda for parliamentary elections. Most of the voters vote for one candidate only. This candidate receives points (four points in case of 4-candidate election), the others receive 0. On my opinion it's a bad choice the lawmakers made.

Paul Kislanko writes: "Clearly a ballot like A>B>C>D should be accounted 3 points for A, 2 for B, 1 for C and none for D."

I respond: Not really. Two countries use Borda for parliamentary elections: Nauru and Slovenia. None of them accounts points for A>B>C>D as 3>2>1>0. Slovenia uses 4>3>2>1 Nauru uses 3>1.5>0.75>0.375.

Someone said:
>> (1) C and D each get nothing.
>> (2) C and D each get 1.5 points (average of leftover

I add:
The third option would be to give 2 points to C and D (one less of what gets the last of the ranked candidates).
The fourth option would be to give 2 points to A and 1 point to B, and none to C and D.

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