[EM] names for Condorcet completion methods

Jeffrey C O'Neill jco8 at cornell.edu
Fri Oct 15 08:00:29 PDT 2004

Could I get help with the proper names for various Condorcet completion methods?

Assume that the Smith set has more than one candidate.  I am looking for the
names of the following completion methods:

Baldwin (Borda-Elim) -- Eliminate candidate with lowest Borda score and repeat
??? -- Baldwin, but over the Smith set instead of all candidates
Nanson -- Eliminate candidates not over average Borda score and repeat
??? -- Nanson, but over the Smith set instead of all candidates
Black -- Borda winner over all candidates
??? -- Borda winner over Smith set
??? -- IRV winner over all candidates
??? -- IRV winner over Smith set

If these haven't been named already, then I will use Baldwin-Smith,
Nanson-Smith, Black-Smith, IRV, and IRV-Smith to denote these completion
methods (unless someone has a better suggestion).

These will be put into pSTV (http://stv.sourceforge.net/)

Any help greatly appreciated,

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