[EM] Nader could designate same electors as Kerry
nkklrp at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 30 08:22:01 PDT 2004
I'm retiring from voting systems again, which is why I haven't posted to or
checked the EM mailing list lately.
A columnist suggested a solution to the current lesser-of-2-evils problem
that's usable immediately, without a new voting system:
He said that Nader could designate, as his electors, the same people who are
Kerry's electors, instructing them to vote for Kerry. In that way, the votes
for Nader would count for Kerry. No more spoiler problem. And, with that
assurance, Nader would get more votes than he ever has. He'd get a number of
votes that would show his actual 1st choice support, which is surely many
time the 3% that he previously got.
Considering the big meeting places that are always filled up when Nader
comes to town, and considering the overflow crowds at the Michael Moore
movie, Fahrenheit 911, there's no way that the boring and sleazy Kerry could
be as popular as Nader.
One Nader leafletter told me that he heard that that same-electors solution
is illegal. I hope that he's mistaken. I suppose that it could lead to a
dispute about which candidate was elected. It seems to me that it was said
that, in principle, an elector can vote for whatever candidate s/he chooses,
regardless of whose elector s/he is. That being so, one wouldn't expect a
constitutional problem if an elector has been designated by 2 candidates and
got votes from both of their voters. Especially if that elector has been
explicitly instucted by Nader to vote for Kerry.
It's understandable that the Republocrats would very much like for that
arrangement to be illegal, because the last thing they want is something
that would reveal to the public what the other members of the public want.
We're supposed to believe that only whatever sleaze the Democrats nominate
is a viable and serious candidate. Anything that would reveal otherwise is
something that Republocrat politicians and their financial owners would
obviously want to forbid.
So there's sure to be an argument that that same-electors arrangement is
illegal. If so, then the wording of the Consititution should be checked out.
Maybe it says that a candidate can designate any electors s/he wants to.
People should suggest to Nader that he designate Kerry's electors.
Another thing: If Nader doesn't do that, or if it is successfully forbidden,
then it would be good for progressives to come to this agreement: This time,
this time only, because it's a national emergency, all the progressives,
including the Nader preferrers, vote for Kerry. But then, whenever the
Republican is an ordinary non-Bush-like Republican, all the progressives,
including the ones who have alwalys voted Democrat, will vote for Nader,
Camejo, or someone like that. They'll vote for the best candidate,
sincerely, without lesser-of-2-evils giveaway strategy. That would be the
deal. I suggest that there should be such a deal among the progressives:
This time we all vote for Kerry, and when this emergency is over we all vote
sincerely for the best candidate, Nader, Kerry, etc.
But only if there's that agreement. What Nader preferrers are tired of is
the way that progressives do the same pre-emptive surrender _every time_, as
a matter of course, calling it "pragmatic". Every year they say "This is no
time to vote sincerely!". Can you understand how Nader-preferrers get tired
of hearing that every time?
These lesser-of-2-evils giveaway voters call that strategic voting. But
strategic voting requires information. We have no information to inform or
justify strategic voting! And progressives, and all nonrepublicans
obediently follow the tv commentators, like a herd, and talk about how we've
got to vote pragmatically.
Understandably the sincere-voting Nader-preferrers are tired of that
unconditional obedience of the giveaway voters.
Do you see the humor in Democrats' claim that Nader and his voters are
taking victory away from Kerry? If Kerry loses, it will be because no one is
inspired to vote for dishonest, boring, sleazy Kerry. It won't be because a
spoiler took away 3%. If Kerry would become honest and have policies that
are different from those of Bush, then more people would vote for him. Kerry
can't blame Nader for the fact that people (Nader voters and nonvoters) are
too disgusted with Kerry to vote for him.
Of course Kerry isn't going to become honest. Don't you get tired of hearing
progressives say "Kerry has got to make himself more interesting, and
delineate policies that really distinguish him from Bush."?
Sure, if he did that, he'd draw more people to the polls, and would win as a
genuine, worthwhile progeressive candidate. But of course Kerry would never
do that. He'll remain the boring, dishonest candidate that he is, the one
that his contributors want, even if that means that he doesn't get enough
votes to win. And then of course he and other Democrats will blame Nader,
for giving people an honest candidate, taking votes away from the
media-anointed sleaze.
How funny for a dishonest candidate, for whom no one wants to vote, to
criticize an honest candidate for taking away his votes.
Mike Ossipoff
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