[EM] Dimensions, Electoral College

josh at narins.net josh at narins.net
Tue May 27 03:17:03 PDT 2003

That's all academic, Dave.

If you were an elector, and, after the polls closed,
the candidate you were elected to vote for,
was found out to be a mass murderer of small children, 
would you continue to cast your vote for them?
Even if, as in some random state, 
you had to pay a $25 dollar fine for not voting 
the way you were elected to do?

This PRECISE freedom is the part of the stated reason for the existence
of the Electoral College

Maybe it was secretly designed with the idea that if a complete
unknown??? (no way!) became President, they could investigate for a few
months before the whole deal was final, I dunno.

By the way, if I was an elector and I found out that the candidate I was
supposed to vote for was behind releasing the false allegations, there
is NO WAY ON EARTH you could make me vote for them.


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