[EM] 05/13/02 - The Education of Poor Richard:
Michael Rouse
mrouse at cdsnet.net
Mon May 13 20:45:06 PDT 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Rouse" <mrouse at cdsnet.net>
To: <election-methods-list at eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [EM] 05/13/02 - The Education of Poor Richard:
> Given uniform voter distribution, as long as
> the left-wing candidate is between his mark and the center and the
> right-wing candidate is between his mark and the center, the center
> candidate will always lose with IRV (i.e. have fewer voters closer to it
> than to another candidate) *no matter where it is placed between the two
> extremes*.
Oops, correction. With 2/3rds of electorate between extremes, example holds
as long as central candidate is closer to the center of the electorate than
the extreme candidates are to their corresponding points. When left-wing and
right-wing candidates have less than 1/3 of electorate between them, it does
not matter where you place the center candidate.
Blech, I hate making corrections.
Michael Rouse
mrouse at cdsnet.net
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FFrom election-methods-list-request at eskimo.com Tue May 14 05:13:51 2002
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To: "[EM]" <election-methods-list at eskimo.com>
From: Donald Davison <donald at mich.com>
Subject: [EM] 05/14/02 - Two plus Two correction:
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05/14/02 - Two plus Two correction:
Greetings list members,
In my haste to quickly dispense with Josh Narins, I gave the wrong first
name for the famous mathematican Russell.
It is funny that not one of the `Super Great' mathematicans on this list
spotted this error. Where is the Demon Repro Man when we need him? Maybe
the math junkies on this list are not that Super nor Great.
Anyway, the man's correct name is Bertrand Albert Russell.
3d Earl 1872 - 1970 Math and Philos.
He was the man that proved 2 + 2 = 4 or was it 1 + 1 = 2 ?
Now, I am not sure which he proved, but fear not, one of our resident
`Super Great' math junkies should be able to elighten us, if for a moment
they would be willing to take their head out of the garbage dump of lower
Donald Davison, host of New Democracy at http://www.mich.com/~donald
Candidate Election Methods
| Q U O T A T I O N |
| "Democracy is a beautiful thing, |
| except that part about letting just any old yokel vote." |
| - Age 10 - |
APV Approval Voting
ATV Alternative Vote aka IRV Instant Runoff Voting aka IRVing
FPTP First Past The Post aka Plurality
NOTA None of the Above aka RON Re-Open Nominations
STV Single Transferable Vote aka Choice Voting aka Hare-Clark
aka Preference Voting aka Hare Preferential Voting
Please be advised that sending email to me allows me to quote from it
and/or forward the entire email to others.
For more information about this list (subscribe, unsubscribe, FAQ, etc),
please see http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/em
rom election-methods-list-request at eskimo.com Tue May 14 05:13:52 2002
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Tue, 14 May 2002 05:07:53 -0700
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Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 08:07:37 -0400
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To: Electoral_systems_designers at yahoogroups.com
From: Donald Davison <donald at mich.com>
Cc: "[EM]" <election-methods-list at eskimo.com>
Subject: [EM] 05/14/02 - Cumulative Single-Seat:
Resent-Message-ID: <"PGT_q2.0.kj1.PuFuy"@mx1>
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05/14/02 - Cumulative Single-Seat:
Greetings list members,
Being as this is a list for Electoral Systems Designers, I would like to
present a new design of a single-seat method, Cumulative Single-Seat.
I also nominate this method for the contest.
Cumulative Single-Seat works as follows:
Each voter is given a number of votes equal to the number of candidates
plus one.
The voter is allowed to cast as many of these votes as he cares to cast.
The voter is allowed to cast these votes in the same manner as votes are
cast in the multi-seat method known as Cumulative Voting, but only as whole
votes, no split votes.
The candidate with the most votes is the winner.
Donald Davison, host of New Democracy at http://www.mich.com/~donald
Candidate Election Methods
| Q U O T A T I O N |
| "Democracy is a beautiful thing, |
| except that part about letting just any old yokel vote." |
| - Age 10 - |
APV Approval Voting
ATV Alternative Vote aka IRV Instant Runoff Voting aka IRVing
FPTP First Past The Post aka Plurality
NOTA None of the Above aka RON Re-Open Nominations
STV Single Transferable Vote aka Choice Voting aka Hare-Clark
aka Preference Voting aka Hare Preferential Voting
Please be advised that sending email to me allows me to quote from it
and/or forward the entire email to others.
For more information about this list (subscribe, unsubscribe, FAQ, etc),
please see http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/em
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