[EM] Modeling elections

Richard Moore rmoore4 at cox.net
Fri May 3 18:58:40 PDT 2002

I made a mistake in my terminology...

Richard Moore wrote:
> Some abbreviations: NZI is non-zero information (based on picking two
> of the five candidates at random to be "front-runners"); otherwise
> zero-info strategy was used. BordaWV is Borda calculated with winning
> votes, which I believe is the best way to do Borda. The other Borda
> is Borda calculated with margins, which I have seen someone in this
> group advocate (I forget who).

For "winning votes" I should have said "all votes", and for "margins"
I should have said "all votes for minus all votes against". At any
rate those were the two ways of counting Borda that I was thinking
about when I wrote that paragraph.

But the code I implemented is the other way around. The "Borda" result
is from the "all votes" method, and the "BordaWV" is from the "votes
for minus votes against" method. I don't know how I came to use the
incorrect designation "WV" in my program, but since this is the first
time I've looked at that code in many months, I was temporarily thrown
off by that abbreviation. I think that was a late change I was
experimenting with before I put the code aside.

At any rate, I didn't implement a truncation strategy for Borda so any
expressive advantage that the "all votes" method has isn't realized

  -- Richard

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