[EM] 05/18/02 - Rank Your Lowest Poll Favorite as Number One:

Donald Davison donald at mich.com
Sat May 18 06:34:57 PDT 2002

05/18/02 - Rank Your Lowest Poll Favorite as Number One:

Mike, you wrote about IRV: "...it eliminates your favorite before it lets
you help a lower choice."

If your favorite is lower in the polls then you can expect that it will be
eliminated before your second choice.

What you should do is rank number one whichever of your two candidates is
the lowest in the polls.  If your favorite is the lowest, you rank him
first.  In that way you may help your favorite to also avoid the
elimination that your lower choice is going to already avoid because he has
a higher poll rating.

But, the big question needs to be put to you:  `Just how many candidates do
you expect to elect with your one vote in a single-seat election, or for
that matter, in a multi-seat election like STV?'

   Donald Davison, host of New Democracy at http://www.mich.com/~donald
                        Candidate Election Methods
   |                        Q U O T A T I O N                          |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |        except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."   |
   |                           - Age 10 -                              |
    APV   Approval Voting
    ATV   Alternative Vote  aka  IRV Instant Runoff Voting  aka  IRVing
    FPTP  First Past The Post  aka  Plurality
    NOTA  None of the Above  aka  RON Re-Open Nominations
    STV   Single Transferable Vote  aka  Choice Voting  aka  Hare-Clark
          aka  Preference Voting  aka  Hare Preferential Voting

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