[EM] 05/15/02 - Josh calls for more math:

Donald Davison donald at mich.com
Wed May 15 04:44:11 PDT 2002

05/15/02 - Josh calls for more math:

Josh Narins worte: "Good Day, Mr Davison, unless I see some math from you."

   Josh is calling for more math on this list.
   He has got his priorities `ass-backwards'.

This list does not need more math, it needs less math and more common
sense.  Most of the math on this list is using the garbage of the lower
choices for input data.

The lower choices are garbage for the following reasons:

 * Most of the lower choices are not informed choices.
 * Lower choices are used to harm earlier choices by helping some other
 * The lower choices are not netural.  Most of them are for the lower
 * Most choices are not made for the candidate, but instead the choices are
made for the party of the candidate.  Change the candidate of the party to
some unknown and the voter will vote for him anyway.

Josh needs to reassess his priorities.

   Donald Davison, host of New Democracy at http://www.mich.com/~donald
                        Candidate Election Methods
   |                        Q U O T A T I O N                          |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |        except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."   |
   |                           - Age 10 -                              |
    APV   Approval Voting
    ATV   Alternative Vote  aka  IRV Instant Runoff Voting  aka  IRVing
    FPTP  First Past The Post  aka  Plurality
    NOTA  None of the Above  aka  RON Re-Open Nominations
    STV   Single Transferable Vote  aka  Choice Voting  aka  Hare-Clark
          aka  Preference Voting  aka  Hare Preferential Voting

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