[EM] Party Seats/ Proxy Proportional Representation System
DEMOREP1 at aol.com
DEMOREP1 at aol.com
Thu Mar 28 17:11:37 PST 2002
Party Seats/ Proxy Proportional Representation System
28 Mar 2002
Demorep1 at aol.com
[optional/ fill the blank]
Sec. 1. (a) The [Name of Legislative Body] shall consist of [T] Total Members
elected for [1] year terms from [T/5] to [T/6] districts formed at least
[280] days before an Election day.
(b) As nearly as possible, each district shall consist of 1 or more adjacent
political subdivisions or part of 1 political subdivision, contain an equal
number of Electors at the last election and be square.
Sec. 2. Each candidate shall file a nominating petition at least [70] days
before the Election Day signed by at least [0.2] percent [but not more than
[0.6] percent] of the number of registered Electors in his/her district [280]
days before the Election Day.
Sec. 3. (a) Each candidate shall file a rank order list of all the other
parties in all districts at least [7] days before the Election Day.
(b) Independent candidates shall be deemed to be in a party.
Sec. 4. Each Elector may vote for 1 candidate in his/her district.
Sec. 5. (a) If the votes for all of a party's candidates (plus any
transferred votes) (Party Votes) are less than the votes for all candidates
(Total Votes) divided by the Total Members, then the party and its candidates
shall lose (starting with the party with the lowest Party Votes).
(b) The votes for a losing candidate shall be transferred (or re-transferred)
to another party using the candidate's Section 3 rank order list.
Sec. 6. (a) Each party shall receive members equal to the Total Members
multiplied by the votes for all of the party's candidates (plus Section 5(b)
vote transfers from losing candidates) (Final Party Votes) divided by the
total votes for all candidates (Total Votes) [using the [Method of Equal
(b) A party's members shall be those party candidates who get the highest
number of votes in all districts.
[(c) Each Member shall have a voting power equal to the party's Final Party
Votes multipled by the votes for him/her divided by the total votes for all
of the party's elected candidates [using the [Method of Equal Proportions]].
Sec. 7. (a) A candidate or member may file a written rank order list of
persons to fill his/her vacancy, if any.
(b) The qualified person highest on the list shall fill the vacancy.
(c) The legislative body shall fill the vacancy if the preceding does not
[Sec. 8. Temporary. The registered Electors on [date] shall be deemed to have
been Electors at the last election for Section 1(b) for the first election
using this system].
Sec. 6(a) Note --- the Method of Equal Proportions uses a formula to
apportion seats --- (Party Votes x Party Votes) / (Seats x (Seats + 1)) to
produce a rank order list for Seats = 1, 2, etc.
The MEP is used to apportion the 435 seats in the U.S.A. House of
Representatives among the 50 States using Census populations of the States
(after each State gets 1 seat).
Sec. 6(c) Note --- Since Party Votes/ Party Seats ratios are not equal for
all parties and the various elected candidates of a party will not get the
same number of district votes, proxy p.r. is more accurate.
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