Candidate Proxy

Alex Small asmall at
Tue Dec 10 16:53:27 PST 2002

Forest Simmons said:
> At the opposite end of the voter sovereignty spectrum we have the
> Electoral College, the Speaker of the House, and the Supreme Court
> variously choosing the President in various situations.

I was actually thinking about your method in terms of the Electoral
College.  Continuing support for the EC is based in part on Political
Ancestor Worship.  Proxy Approval might be sold to some crowds as an
improved version of the EC:

"Go back the wise intent of the Founders:  That the President be chosen by
the deliberations of distinguished citizens, trusted by the people for
this important decision."

This may or may not be an accurate portrayal of the Founders' intent, but
it is definitely a view commonly held by advocates of the EC.  (If you
read the right, or wrong, websites, you'll also learn that the Founders
had a divine premonition that a liberal might win the popular vote some
day, so they wisely entrusted disproportionate power to rural areas...)

> Do you think I should apply for an intellectual property rights patent?

One can patent election methods?  If so, then definitely patent Majority
Choice Approval!


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