[EM] Linear methods are consistent and monotonic
Richard Moore
rmoore4 at home.com
Mon Oct 1 22:04:37 PDT 2001
Forest Simmons wrote:
> Very well done!
Thanks. I was wondering about my definition for the
monotonicity criterion: It seems right but it's limited to
methods that base the result on numerical scores (just as
the other definitions I've seen seem to be limited to
positional voting methods). Is there a definition general
enough to take in all classes of methods or does
monotonicity have to be defined separately for each class?
Also, I noticed a shortcoming in the MC definitions on
various web sites. They all seem to be worded along the
lines of, "If X wins and you increase the support for X then
X still wins," but this seems to require that even if you
increase the support for X and Y at the same time, Y will
not win. Of course this definition, taken literally, is too
strict for any method to meet. I know this is nit-picking,
but this definition should include words such as "without
increasing the support for any other candidate" after
"increase the support for X". I included this condition in
my definition.
Finally, regarding the Cal IRV site I posted the link to:
They claim IRV is monotonic when adding preferences to the
end of an incomplete list of preferences. But they are
confusing monotonicity over a limited region with compliance
to the monotonicity criterion. The monotonicity criterion is
not met unless the method is *universally* monotonic. Every
definition of the criterion has some words to this effect:
For any possible set of ballots, there is no way to modify
any subset of those ballots in a way that produces a
non-monotonic response.
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