two bit ratings

Forest Simmons fsimmons at
Mon Oct 1 11:51:34 PDT 2001

On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 DEMOREP1 at wrote:

> Mr. Simmons wrote-
> The optical scanner would recognize any letter that is not an F or an E as
> a B, so the voters would not have to have steady hands or perfectly shaped
> letters.
> ----
> D- If the world survives the coming battles in Asia, then there should be 
> computerized voting with all the sorts of stuff seen on this list such as --  
> 100 percent to minus 100 percent votes (and perhaps even giving the voters 
> the power to show that they are being *insincere* when voting on any specific 
> choice).
> The current limited choice simple scan ballots will become as obsolete as the 
> punch card ballots are becoming.

I anxiously look forward when the lamb can safely dwell with the lion.

Meanwhile, how can we make the best use of our limited equipment?

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