[EM] A Cannibal Number Voting Problem

Forest Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Tue Nov 20 07:34:36 PST 2001

My dad used to call numbers like 983 "cannibal numbers" (nine ate three).

Suppose a NINE member club (like the supreme court) has to decide where to
EAT, and there are exactly THREE restaurants to choose from.

How should they make this decision?

I'll give one suggestion at which you can take pot shots, or over which
you can suggest improved alternatives:

The decision is to be made in two rounds.

In the first round each member of the club reveals his/her preference
order to all of the other members.

In the second round the members submit Approval ballots consistent with
their announced preference orders. In other words, they are constrained to
approve their announced favorite and to disapprove the restaurant they
listed as their last choice.

The decision is in favor of the restaurant with greatest total approval.


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