Majority? Expressivity? Strategy?

Thu Mar 29 21:15:08 PST 2001

Mr. Weinstein wrote in part-

The holy grail and battle cry of 'majority' are not only Demorep's etc.

D- Yes indeed ---- compared to the minority rule murder/slave regimes of the 
nazis and communists in the 1900's (and their evil monarchial/ oligarchial 
predecessors for the last 6,000 plus years).

As to utility, I note again ---

2 the very dull A (1)
1 the popular   B (100)  

3 Total

Who wins ??? Let us guess.

For the benefit of newer folks ---  I again suggest that only YES majority 
(above zero utility) choices get elected to executive and judicial offices.

No thank you to the likes of Hitler, Stalin, etc. with their plurality 
extremist supporters.

If 2 or more get such YES majorities, then use a head to head vote.

If there is a Condorcet tie with 3 or more, then sum the place votes or use 
the largest YES votes as a tiebreaker..

See my recent posting about reverse summing of place votes to eliminate 

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