Legality of "inverting" ballots by Condorcet.

Buddha Buck bmbuck at
Fri Jul 6 05:27:08 PDT 2001

At 11:23 PM 07-05-2001 -0700, Richard Moore wrote:

>Especially since the rules were in place before the election. I think 
>Demo's being a bit heavy-handed here.

Actually, I think he's attacking a strawman.  Changing ballots and 
reporting incorrect vote tallies are of course major election fraud, making 
those practices an easy target to attack.  Of course, what we're discussing 
is not what he's attacking.

>It would of course be fraudulent to change the rules after the election.

I'm pretty sure someone changed the rules in Florida, I'm just not sure 
who, or if they got away with it.


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