CR pairwise

Tue Aug 28 16:09:21 PDT 2001

Suppose that the voters are willing and able to fill out Cardinal Ratings
ballots in which each each candidate is rated on a scale of zero to 100.

A pairwise matrix M can be filled out for each completed ballot as

The entry in the i_th row and j_th column M(i,j) is a one or a zero
depending on whether or not this ballot has a higher rating for candidate
i than for candidate j .

The sum of all of these pairwise matrices can be used to find out if there
is a "beats all winner" similar to the Condorcet Winner based on ranked

Suppose there is no beats all winner (BAW).
D- The highest median will suffice as a tiebreaker (as has been mentioned 
many moons ago on this list).

For executive and judicial offices, I would suggest that only choices with 
above 50 medians be allowed to be elected (i.e. my YES/NO test).  A p.r. 
legislative body can fill any vacancies.

As usual, I mention the continuous problem of public education.  There are 
*lots* of voter-folks with very limited math skills (due to the general 
dumbing down of the population due to TV, computer games, cable, etc. etc. 

Any *reform* with any chance of adoption must be rather simple.

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