[EM] Median bifurcation using pairwise matrix

Blake Cretney bcretney at postmark.net
Tue Aug 14 17:34:45 PDT 2001

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:57:48 -0000
"Roy" <royone at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The winning-margins matrix is:
>    A   B   C   D   X
> A  -   42  -   -   -
> B  -   -   42  16  -
> C  16  -   -   74  -
> D  42  -   -   -   -
> X  22  22  22  22  -
> With all the duplicate values, I get confused. WWRPD?

The order in which the tied victories are processed (or their order of
precedence) depends on a tie breaking ranking of the candidates, or
TBRC.  The end result will have C above D, and X above all other
candidates, for any TBRC.  This is true no matter what order you
process the victories in.  So, in short, X wins.

Blake Cretney

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