[EM] Steve has used those criteria.

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 9 13:32:56 PDT 2000

Markus said:

(4) You should drop WDSC, SDSC and SARC. These criteria are not
intuitive. Even Steve Eppley who usually claims that he agrees
with you doesn't use these criteria. Even Steve Eppley prefers
Blake Cretney's terminology ("burying," "compromising," ...).

Wrong again. Steve has used WDSC & SDSC. In fact he's written a
different equivalent wording of SDSC. He has used those criteria
to show why one method isn't as good as another. How else would you
like him to use them?

And would you be so kind as to post, from the archives, the
message in which Steve said that he prefers Blake Cretney's
terminology ("burying", "compromising", ...) to the defensive
strategy criteria. It couldn't be, could it, that you're making things
up again?

Mike Ossipoff

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