SARC definition improvement

Tue Sep 5 19:55:27 PDT 2000

>It is a majority of the voters who could be victimized by simple Condorcet
>(and its variations promoted by Mr. Ossipoff) by having one such rotten
>candidate win and claim a mighty mandate from the voters.

But I'm not the only one promoting the better Condorcet versions.
And it's IRV & Tideman(m) that would victimize majorities. I'm the
first to admit that when a rank method isn't good, it can be really

>If the strategy of an election becomes *more complicated* for executive
>office candidates and their armies of pollsters and handlers, then all the

I'm concerned about voters having a dilemma, as they now do.

>Good luck again to Mr. Ossipoff et al in trying to wipe out majority
>acceptable winners.

No, save that for the IRVies; they're the ones who seem to insist on
doing that.

Mike Ossipoff

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