[EM] 2 Nov 1999 Cambridge, Mass City Council Election - Summary Results

DEMOREP1 at aol.com DEMOREP1 at aol.com
Mon Oct 30 21:51:32 PST 2000

Responding to Mr. Cretney--

Look at the pdf document.

At start- 24 candidates plus 2 write-ins

1 candidate (Galluccio) had a surplus

4 candidates and the 2 write ins who had less than 50 votes (an arbitrary 
number) were eliminated.

10 candidates were eliminated one at a time.

Just before the final elimination the votes were-

1871  + 7 = 1878
1789 + 89 = 1878
1855 + 23 = 1878
1742 + 136 = 1878
1428  -1428 = 0 Triantafillou (final loser)
702 + 1173  = 1875 Exhausted ballots


1875 x 100 percent /18,777 =  Just under 10 percent

If the Hare Quota was being used (18,777/9 = 2087), then there might be zero 
Exhausted ballots.

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