[EM] Clones Oct 28, 2000

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 28 17:03:40 PDT 2000

Demorep wrote:

>51 AB
>49 BA
>Choice C comes along
>Some extreme possibilities--
>C is first on all ballots
>51 CAB
>49 CBA
>Are both A and B mutant reverse clones of C ???

No! C isn't a clone with A or with B. Clones are candidates who
are ranked adjancently by everyone.

>C beats A on every ballot
>51 CAB
>49 BCA
>Is A now a 100 percent clone of C ???

Yes, this time C is indeed a clone of A, because everyone ranks
A & C adjacently.

>C beats B on every ballot
>51 ACB
>49 CBA
>Is B now a 100 percent clone of C ???

Yes, B & C are clones because everyone ranks them adjacently.
Likewise with your other examples that you listed below.

My misgiving about the clone criterion is that, since it's unrealistically 
easy to meet, does it mean anything for a method to
meet it? And if it doesn't, then does it say anything meaningful about
merit difference between complying & noncomplying methods? And, if not,
is it of any use as a criterion?

Mike Ossipoff

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