[EM] New ElectionReform Wiki

Rob Lanphier robla at eskimo.com
Thu Oct 19 01:03:46 PDT 2000

Hi folks,

I decided to go find an appropriate WikiWikiWeb site to start an
ElectionReform area.  Here's the result: 


For those of you who aren't familiar with what the "WikiWikiWeb" is, it's
essentially a bunch of web pages that *anyone* can edit.  So, it really
relies on people playing nice, but some interesting things can evolve in
such a system.

Anyway, I've just barely started putting stuff on there, but I encourage
you to make modifications and to put your own two cents up there.  Since
it's not really "my" website, you aren't going to offend me in the


Rob Lanphier
robla at eskimo.com

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