Democratic symmetry (fwd)

Sun Mar 12 11:17:07 PST 2000

Mr. Cretney wrote-

40 A B C
60 C A B

Here, A wins in Borda.  C wins in most other methods.
D- C happens to have a first choice majority.
Mr. Cretney wrote-

 By adding ballots and their reverse (which we might expect to cancel) we get 

40 A B C
60 C A B
40 C B A
40 A B C

And, by removing the newly created rotational symmetries we get

20 C A B
40 A B C

Now, A is the clear winner.
D- Adding ballots is commonly called ballot box stuffing - a major election 
law felony.
Mr. Cretney wrote-

Let's take an example where rotational symmetry comes into play:

2 A B C  \
2 B C A   |- rotational symmetry
2 C A B  /
5 C B A
4 B C A

C wins in Borda, because the rotational symmetry is removed.  B is the 
Condorcet winner, and also the winner in IRV/AV.
D- Removing votes is commonly called vote stealing- yet another major 
election law felony.  Also, if C knows/guesses that there are some possible 
rotational votes (such as the 2 ABC and 2 BCA votes) then C will tell his/her 
voters to engage in rotational symmetry strategy to create such 2 CAB votes 
to cancel out such 2 ABC and 2 BCA votes.  What a deal- 2 votes cancel 4 
votes !!!

Mr. Saari seems unaware of such possible strategy games resulting from his 
new modified Borda version (aka Borda-Saari).

How many times do I have to beat the dead election horse ?  

A "democratic" election method operates on ALL the votes cast- NOT added 
votes, NOT removed votes, NOT some votes, NOT votes remaining after some 
votes apparently cancel out some other votes.

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