Saari article

Rob Lanphier robla at
Tue Mar 7 21:34:29 PST 2000

On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Bart Ingles wrote:
> I neglected to mention that the *The Economist* article may be merely a
> review of the *Economic Theory* article.  I see nothing to indicate that
> Saari contributed directly to the The Economist article.

Good point.  I should have pointed this out in my original post, since it
may have given people the impression that he actually wrote it.

It looks like Saari has written several articles for this journal.  I
think I found a more recent articles than what Bart referred to in his
previous mail. Here's a link to the table of contents for the January,

       Donald G. Saari:
       research articles: Mathematical structure of voting paradoxes

       I. Pairwise votes
       II. Positional voting

Rob Lanphier
robla at

On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Bart Ingles wrote:
> I neglected to mention that the *The Economist* article may be merely a
> review of the *Economic Theory* article.  I see nothing to indicate that
> Saari contributed directly to the The Economist article.
> The the that's all folks.
> Bart Ingles wrote:
> > 
> > I finally found a copy of the latest Economist.  After the 2nd or 3rd
> > reading, I noticed that the article refers to an article "just published
> > in the journal *Economic Theory* ".

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