[EM] 3 minor errors

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 20 23:19:01 PST 2000

EM list--

I'd like to correct a few unimportant errors in yesterday's
letters that I posted here:

1. In "equal rankings not defensively needed in Condorcet",
   I was probably incorrect in my #2 listed reason why equal
   rankings aren't a Condorcet problem. I said Blake's argument
   is only valid for Plain Condorcet, but actually it could  be
   used with any method that drops smalles defeats. Any Condorcet
   version. But reasons #1 & #3 are still good.

2. In "Corruption & IRV, slight revision", I mistakenly spoke of
   the A voters voting A last, when actually, I should have instead
   spoken of the A voters voting A next-to-last.

3. In "Tideman vs IBCM & DCD", in case it wasn't obvious that
   by "beats" I meant "pairwise-beats", I should have worded
   a certain sentence:

   When Tideman & DCD pick different winners, DCD's winner
   usually is someone who pairwise-beats Tideman's winner.

Mike Ossipoff

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