[EM] Demorep: Technical Words

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 6 19:01:49 PST 2000


I don't know that any of our proposals to the public contain
the technical words that you were objecting to. We all know
that proposals to the public should be expressed briefly
in plain language.

But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't use whatever words
are needed when discussing methods' relative merits here.

Also, criteria can be written in precise language, available
to be checked on by anyone who wants more than the plain-language
statements that we'd use to tell people what a method can do,
or what it won't do, or what it won't make voters do.

For instance, I might tell someone that Approval will never
give anyone incentive to vote a less-liked candidate over their
favorite. If someone wants that in precise language, then
they could be referred to a more carefully-worded statement of

Mike Ossipoff

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