Approval -- clarification

Bart Ingles bartman at
Thu Mar 2 20:55:03 PST 2000

Craig Carey wrote:
> > I was imposing a constraint that the counts be integral.
> > How would you argue that such aa constraint should be imposed?.

Bart Ingles:
> The only constraint with approval voting is that a voter is allowed one
> vote per candidate.

I should have said "The only constraint with approval voting is that a
voter is allowed to give either 0 or 1 vote to a given candidate."

It would be possible to have a system where the voter is allowed to give
a fractional vote between 0 and 1 to a candidate, but it would never
make sense to vote that way -- optimal strategy is always to give either
0 or 1 votes.  Thus the system would be equivalent to approval voting,
except that the additional possibilities might confuse ignorant voters.

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