[EM] An Improvement in Representative Democracy

Donald E Davison donald at mich.com
Tue Nov 30 07:35:29 PST 1999

  ------------ Forwarded Letter -----------
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 06:00:24 -0700
From: Stan Price
To: Donald E Davison <donald at mich.com>
Subject: An improvement in representative democracy

Donald Davison,
   Your idea of keeping the members of Congress (in Canada, the members
of Parliament) in their home territory for the whole year  would be
a simple but giant step in improving our representative governments. Not
only would the distractions of a distant and manipulated political and
social milieu be reduced enormously, but the contacts between representatives
and their constituents would be increased dramatically. The availability
of varied and secure methods of contract through electronic means make
such a step possible. Not to mention the huge reduction in the costs of
government that could be realized. (The reduction in limousine costs alone
would be substantial.)<b> It is a brilliant idea that would lead to increased
citizen participation in the affairs of their country.</b> I wonder about
how such an improvement would be implemented. There must be a few elected
members who like their constituents enough to spend more time with them.
The first step would be to make their participation in the affairs of
government possible from their constituency by creating the secure
communication lines that would be necessary and are now possible.
   Stan Price

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1) Let's move members of Congress back home to where they belong.

Greetings,                                  11/06/99

     Let's have every member of Congress remain in the district or state in
which they were elected.
     Every member would be online.
     Every committee would be connect via a subscription list.
     They could feel the pulse of the people in their district 52 weeks of
the year.

     One more thing - the way they vote should be changed. Instead of a yes
or no vote, they should be required to vote both a Percent-Yes and a
Percent-No according to the feelings of all the people in their district.
     If they are going to represent the district then they should be
representing all the people in the district, and all the people do not vote
100% Yes or 100% No.

Yours for better government,

   |                         Q U O T A T I O N                         |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |       except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."    |
   |                            - Age 10                               |

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