[EM] Droop as a Religious Belief

Donald E Davison donald at mich.com
Fri Nov 19 01:37:18 PST 1999

Greetings,                              11/19/99

     During any `Droop War' I have always tried to present my side of the
issue based on logic, fainess, honesty, and that which is mathematically
     Proportional is mathematically correct when the members are elected by
equal parts of the total votes. If we have 12,000 votes in a three member
district, and the three members are elected by 4,000 votes each, then that
is proportional because three sets of 4,000 is equal to 12,000.
     But, for this same district, the Droop quota is 3,001 votes. It is
clear that three sets of 3,001 does not equal 12,000. Therefore, Droop does
not contain mathematically correct proportions. And yet, it puzzles me when
the Droop People keep saying: `Droop is Proportional'.
     They keep repeating over and over the expression `Droop is
Proportional' - `Droop is Proportional', like a religious chant.
     That must be it!
     It is a religious chant. They have been debating on a different level,
they are on a religious level.
     To them, Droop is a Religious Belief. Something they are required to
believe without question.

     And now this David Catchpole comes along and confirms that Droop's
proportionality is based on religious belief.
     On 11/12/99, David, who is feeling less secure these days, wrote:

     "I never feel secure these days, but tell you what, if you do believe
in a higher being, then you've got that higher being to thank for the fact
that Droop is more proportional than Hare in any proper consideration of
the relation of election _votes_ to _results_."

This religious revelation makes the Droop issue understandable.
  As a religious belief:
    Droop is not required to be logical.
    Droop is not required to be fair.
    Droop is not required to be honest.
    Droop is not required to be mathematical.
    Droop's `Proportions' are not required to be proportional.

     We need to thank David, he has placed Droop into its proper context
for us. It will be much easier now for us to understand the arguments of
the Droop People.
     Their chanting is necessary, it affirms their belief in Droop. We are
big enough to endure that noise.

     But, religious or not, Droop is still corruption.


   |                         Q U O T A T I O N                         |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |       except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."    |
   |                            - Age 10                               |

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