[EM] Let's move Congress back home to where they belong.

Donald E Davison donald at mich.com
Sat Nov 6 04:10:34 PST 1999

  ------------Forwarded Letter -----------
From: "Will Arnold" <warnold at coop.ext.colostate.edu>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 10:36:00 -0700
Subject: RE: political change

A few years ago I heard someone on NPR relate how they thought
if we moved the decision makers out of Washington D.C. and held
legislative sessions every two years in different states we would
remove much of the corruption we now face.  I really liked the idea.
The scerio would go something like this.  For the House we elect
representatives to serve four year terms, (Senate stays 6) but both
houses only meet every two years.  Each state makes available on
a rotational basis their state houses for a 12 week session.  All
business not accomplished would table over until next session.
The President has the authority to call special sessions in times of
dire need that would meet in D. C..  Committee work ( where I think
the most damage is done anyway would begin over e-mail) and
then the last four weeks of the normal yearly session (off year)
would be devoted to this work in various sites around the U.S..  I
don't know what we would do with all those buildings but maybe we
could quit building new ones for quite some time and rent out the
others for other purposes.  Of course this is pie in the sky but I
liked the concept.   Will

Will Arnold
Regional Extension Specialist/RC&D
Community Development, P.O. Box 157, Hugo CO 80821
warnold at coop.ext.colostate.edu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/06/99
Dear Will,

     Your suggestion is good as far as it goes, but let's go all the way to
the final step - Let's move Congress back home to where they belong.

     Let us have every member of Comgress remain in the district or state
in which they were elected.
     Every member would be online.
     Every committe would be connect via a subscription list.
     They could feel the pulse of the people in their district 52 weeks of
the year.

     One more thing - the way they vote should be changed. Instead of a yes
or no vote, they should be required to vote both a Percent-Yes and a
Percent-No according to the feelings of all the people in their district.
     If they are going to represent the district then they should be
representing all the people in the district, and all the people do not vote
100% Yes or 100% No.

Yours for better government,

   |                         Q U O T A T I O N                         |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |       except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."    |
   |                            - Age 10                               |

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