Ratings as a Standard

Blake Cretney bcretney at postmark.net
Tue May 18 14:21:42 PDT 1999

Bart Ingles wrote:

> In an earlier post, Blake Cretney wrote:
> > Obviously, one can always come up with examples where a method
> > behaves badly because of bad voters.  However, Average Ratings seems
> > to greatly exaggerate the influence of small numbers of people who
> > think in extreme terms and have single over-riding issues.  So, I
> > reject this method as a standard by which other methods may be judged.
> It occurs to me that extremist voting problems should be excluded from
> the question of rating-based standards, just as strategy considerations
> are.  An actual election method would need to deal with both, but the
> standards are only dealing with hypothetical situations.  We can then
> relate these standards to actual methods in two steps:

The purpose of a standard method, as we were using the term, was to
be able to judge when practical methods were arriving at the proper
conclusion, based on the sincere preferences of voters.  So, it made
no sense to criticize a method as a potential standard because of
strategy problems.

The plan to hypothesize away extremist voters is a different matter,
but I can still see some merit in it.  It may, however, be difficult
to define exactly what constitutes an extremist voter.

For example, imagine that one issue confronting voters is Proposal X.
 Most voters dislike Proposal X, but only as one of many issues.  A
smaller percentage of voters love proposal X with a zeal that causes
them to rate exclusively on this basis.  Under these circumstances,
support for proposal X would tend to help a candidate (in any method).
 However, this is particularly the case in methods based on ratings,
where the supporters will have an effect far above what their numbers
might suggest.  So, my question is, are the Proposal X supporters the
kind of voters that you will hypothesize do not exist.  If not, is the
likely result using ratings a problem.  Ratings would seem to suggest
that Proposal X is overwhelmingly likely to be right. Do you agree
with this?

Also, at what point does the tendency for people to inaccurately
describe the degree of difference between alternatives become the kind
of voting that you would ignore for stage one.

> 1)  What standard or combination of standards represents the "best"
> candidate, assuming all voters are honest, sane, and not prone to
> extremist thinking?  Which methods do a good job of following this
> standard?

Just to be precise, no method can assure us that its choice is always
the best candidate, merely the best guess based on the ballots.  The
voters may sincerely and unanimously choose someone other than the
best candidate for the winner.

> 2)  Of the methods that "pass" step 1, which ones are undamaged by
> strategy and the kinds of extremist voting problems excluded from step
> 1?
> Bart

Bart Ingles wrote:

> Blake Cretney wrote:
> > 
> > Bart Ingles wrote:
> > > In the following ratings example:
> > >
> > >                   Candidates
> > > group votes   A     B     C
> > >   I    50      100    95    0
> > >  II    50        5   100    0
> > >
> > > By arguing that ratings are irrelevant, you are saying that the above
> > > example is an exact tie between A and B.  To me this is not even a
> > > contest.
> > 
> > That is our point of disagreement.  More on this below, but let me
> > point out that if not for candidate C, this would have been an exact
> > tie in ratings as well.
> Only if you normalize the ratings.  Since the ratings are intended to
> describe a scenario that could be handled differently by different
> election methods, it is probably better to leave the numbers alone as
> much as is practical, and let the actual methods decide how to handle
> the situation.  For example, the group I voters might be more likely to
> abstain under some methods.

Because in average ratings it is generally assumed that people will
vote from 0 to 100, and because this was the method you were first
proposing as a standard, I was assuming normalized ratings.

It is arguable, however, that non-normalized ratings makes a better
standard, since it corresponds to the principle of maximizing
perceived utility.  Of course, this method cannot be implemented, but
that doesn't matter to whether it can be used as a standard.

> If you want to start with unlimited absolute ratings, then any such
> "Raw" ratings above 100 or below 0 should be handled by compressing or
> clipping the values, so that all such values are at or near 100 (or 0),
> without disturbing middle ratings.  This should allow the rated
> scenarios to predict outcomes under various actual methods, since the
> degree to which a candidate is "overqualified" could be considered
> irrelevant.

That doesn't make sense to me.  Clipped ratings don't have the
intuitive use as a standard that raw utility ratings do, and they
can't be used in a method like normalized ratings can.  I could
provide a more detailed criticism of this method, but I'm taking this
suggestion as a momentary musing on your part.

> As for the absence of candidate C in the above example, I don't believe
> that comparing isolated pairs of candidates is necessarily meaningful. 
> For example, if C had stayed out of the race, how do you know that C'
> wouldn't have run in his place?  The A vs. B race, with B "normalized"
> to zero, would just be a hypothetical construct that presents a
> (potentially) distorted view of the voters preferences.

That's my point.  Average Ratings is so affected by the presence or
absence of candidates like C, candidates with no support themselves,
but which serve to alter the ratings of other candidates, that results
can seem pretty arbitrary.  Of course, all realistic methods can be
affected by the introduction or removal of non-winning candidates, but
not to such profound a degree.

This is not the case if we use total utility (raw ratings), for
example, if candidates A and B are running
       A    B
I  51  100  0
II 49  0    100

And we add candidate C

I   -100
II  -10

Now, if ratings are normalized, the effect is similar to the example
above, and B wins.  However, A still has the greatest total utility,
unaffected by the presence or absence of alternative C.

> > That is, I am defining a correct choice as the true best choice, not
> > merely an accurate representation of the individual voter's thinking.
> > Since what we want to find is the best candidate, this makes sense.
> That's fine, if you have an oracle to tell you who the best candidate
> is.  The point of democracy is to let the voters decide who is the
> best.  

My method is not at all "Oracle" based.  The result depends on the
voters just like in any other method.  However, I look at the voters
as an admittedly fallible means of determining the objectively best
candidate.  This is in contrast to those who decide that a particular
method corresponds to the voter's will, and then answer any criticism
by saying that as their method represents the will of the voters, it
must be perfect.  Or those who claim that there is no best candidate,
as all opinions are equally right.

I don't actually put you in either of these categories, but I point
these positions out to explain that I use the goal of "best guess at
best candidate" in the hope of not  falling into one of these traps.

> Why wouldn't you want an accurate representation of the voters'
> thinking?

I'm not sure what you mean by this.  If I understand you correctly,
you are questioning me for advocating deliberately throwing away
information in choosing rankings over ratings.  However, to get the
most information possible about voters thinking, we would use
unbounded utility ratings, with each candidate rated from negative to
positive infinity.  If we could ensure sincere votes, this would
result in government by the most passionate, which is clearly not a
good idea.  Therefore, I think we can conclude that at least in some
cases, throwing away information can be a good thing.

> > But if we look at the more narrowly defined kind of wrong vote that
> > your example is interested in, I still think it is handled well by
> > ranking.  I do not agree with the contention that "50% of the votes
> > would be absolutely wrong".  Unless error is playing favourites, it
> > will serve to elevate A further over B at least as often as it
> > elevates B over A.  Since more of a change is necessary to make B over
> > A then to keep A over B, the result will be simply to reduce the
> > margin of A's victory over B.  This is desirable if the difference
> > between the two is so shaky, and tends to replicate some of the effect
> > you hope to get from Ratings.
> Not all errors are random, especially within a single election.  The
> voters who rate A over B could all be using the same bad information,
> for example.  You could say that the errors are random across many
> elections, of course, so that the likelihood that such an error would
> have caused a reversal of position would always be less than 50%, but
> would approach 50% when A and B approach equality in the ratings.  Only
> errors that caused a reversal of position would change the outcome of
> the election (at least in the example).

It's an interesting point.  I summarize it as follows:

People who rate two candidates similarly may be deciding on the basis
of very little information (how the candidates feel about some minor
issue for example).

Since it is easy for the voter to be wrong on a single minor issue,
we should avoid giving these votes the same weight as a vote that
rates the candidates further apart (and is therefore likely based on
more issues).

This isn't a real problem if the "wrong" decision is held only by a
few, or even if voters are deciding randomly on this decision, because
this would result only in a decreased margin for the better over the
worse candidate.  Where it is a problem is where there is a widespread
misconception about a single issue that causes people to tend towards
deciding wrongly about it.

As well, for ratings to give a better result, there have to be a
smaller number of more strongly felt B over A opinions to counter. 
Otherwise, ratings would come to the same conclusion as rankings.

But if we remove the assumption that B is the right choice, and
instead try to determine who is the most likely best candidate based
on the ratings, I suggest the answer is A.  After all, consider the B
over A voters.  It is true that their decision to rank B over A is not
that contrary to the A over B voters, since their actual difference in
ratings is small.  But, the difference in opinion between an A over B
and a B over A voter is great.

For example        A           B          C     D ...
A over B           50          49         ?     ?
B over A           0           100        ?     ?

The A over B voters see the candidates as very close, the B over A
voters see them as radically different.  This difference must have a
cause, and under your assumptions, this cause would be that the two
groups actually differ on other issues.  So, who is right about these
other issues?  I suggest that the A over B voters are more likely to
be right simply because there are more of them.  And if the wider
difference expressed by the B over A voters is caused simply by them
being wrong on a number of issues, it doesn't make sense to use this
greater difference against A.

> > > If you don't believe in ratings, then presumably you wouldn't allow
> > > equal rankings (an oxymoron?), since you would in effect be allowing
> > > voters to make ratings decisions (i.e. how high does B have to be rated
> > > to deserve equal ranking with A?  67 points?  75?)
> > 
> > I see equal rankings as useful for voters who don't want to make a
> > decision between two candidates, because they have limited
> > information.  Often elections will have a large number of fringe
> > candidates, and it is easier for voters if they don't have to rank
> > them all.
> > 
> > I don't see an equal ranking as an expression of "these candidates
> > are more similar than they are different" or anything like that.  It
> > is purely a convenience.  In other words, any difference in
> > preference, no matter how small, can justify different rankings.
> But when a scenario with nearly equally-rated candidates A and B is
> transposed onto an election using rankings, the question of whether or
> not A is ranked over, under, or equal to B will depend entirely on
> strategy incentives and on how closely rated the two are.  If the two
> are close enough, strategy will be more important to the voter than true
> ranking.  Better to provide some incentive for equal ranking in such
> cases, than to encourage coin-flipping or to allow strategy to take
> priority.

I think that's a debatable point, but aren't we trying to avoid
strategy discussions here.  Whether ranked methods or rating methods
(including Approval) are best at avoiding strategy is its own huge
issue.  Whether a ranked method is prone to strategy has no baring on
whether it provides the best guess at best candidate based on sincere


> > 
> > I don't need to prove that the original votes were selfish.  This was
> > assumed.  I started by presenting a selfish rating for each candidate,
> My mistake, I thought you were trying to show that ratings always
> assumed selfish votes.
> > and pointed out that if everyone voted this way the method would
> > maximize total satisfaction, or normalized utility.  Then I showed
> > that if some voters actually viewed maximizing total satisfaction as
> > their goal (as opposed to maximizing their personal satisfaction), the
> > result would be that they would get neither.
> > 
> > I think that I am on pretty solid ground with my averaging process,
> > under two assumptions:
> > 1.  That group II's perception of their selfish interest is the same
> > as group I's perception of group II's selfish interest.
> > 2.  That utility and normalized (rated from 0 to 100) utility are the
> > same in the example.  Of course, I can just assume they are for this
> > example, but an argument could be raised if this is rarely the case,
> > and that therefore my example is atypical.
> > 
> > If this is the case than group II's "altruistic" vote is designed to
> > maximize utility.
> > 
> > In reality, however, you don't have to agree with my precise method
> > of averaging.  It is obvious that if group I wants to think of the
> > community interest, this has to be some combination of group I and
> > group II's selfish interests, because together they are the community.
> But if group II's selfish interests are harmful to the community, while
> group I's are not, then group I would benefit the community more by
> voting "selfishly". 

Precisely.  It seems paradoxical, but if group I votes sincerely and
selfishly, then the winner maximizes utility, if they vote sincerely
and with the intent of maximizing utility, then the result does not. 
If, however, they vote strategically with the purpose of maximizing
utility, they can do so by voting selfishly.

So, my point is that although it is quite possible for people to vote
altruistically using Average ratings, and in fact they may do so as
often as in any other method, that if they do this it will make the
method tend to not maximize utility, which is often the main basis on
which the method is advocated.

This is a practical problem, because all methods rely on some
altruism in voting.  Since the ratings are normalized in Average
Ratings, it will often by that a group can not properly express the
extent to which they are damaged by a proposal.  Consider the
following utilities
       A     B
I  51   100     90
II 49   -400    100

Here I am attempting to represent a situation in which proposal A is
particularly damaging to group II, even though it benefits group I,
although only slightly.  In such an example, we would hope that group
I would vote altruistically to pick B.  Of course, they can do this in
any method, including Average Ratings.  However, since average ratings
tends to punish altruistic voting, this is a problem.

Blake Cretney
See the EM Resource:  http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/harrow/124
Or my Path Voting site: 

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