Code of Honor for Reform Activists

Donald E Davison donald at
Mon Feb 15 23:21:10 PST 1999


     One of the biggest hurdles a group of reform activists has to overcome
is attacks from other reform activists. This has got to stop. We would have
much more reform of our governments today if it was not for these attacks.
     I am suggesting that we adopt a Code of Honor for Reform Activists and
I give my suggested sample as follows:

  T H E   C O D E   O F   H O N O R   F O R   R E F O R M   A C T I V I S T S

     Any group of reform activists that are thinking about a petition drive
to place a proposal on the ballot are to present their proposal beforehand
to all other reform activists that they know of. The time for debate and
negative comments is before the petition stage. Once the group makes its
final proposal and enters the petition stage, the dabates and negative
comments by all reform activists is to cease.
    At this time each activist is to make an honest evaluation. If the
initiative will improve government then each activist is to find it in his
heart to support the initiative, even if it is not exactly what the
activist would like.  Donald E. Davison

     I repeat that this is merely a suggested sample. I would like others
to write out their thoughts. If and when we agree on a final Code, it could
appear on web sites and on lists as part of the signature on our eMail.
     A code like this cannot help but have a positive affect. Whenever an
activist attacks an initiative, we can all jump on him by acussing him of
violating the Code of Honor.


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   |                            - Age 10                               |

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