[EM] Salva Voting - multi-seat example

Donald E Davison donald at mich.com
Fri Apr 16 02:41:39 PDT 1999

  ----------- Forwarded Letter ------------
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 23:58:26 EDT
Subject: RE: Salva Voting - a single winner method
To: donald at mich.com

I suggest that you ask Mr. Salva to give you a complete example of his
proposed method with at least 3 seats.

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Dear Salva,                         Friday  04/16/99

     Demorep is correct, we need an example.

     I understand how Salva Voting works using ranking plus lead candidates
as winners, but I do not understand how it is like STV. In STV, all the
votes have been transferred to the final candidates. The other candidates
have been eliminated and there are no lower choices remaining to be
transferred per Salva Voting.

    I will give an example as I understand it, then you can use the same
example to show how it is like STV.
    This example will have eleven candidates running in a four member district.
    The first count of the ballots is as follows(xx means lower choices):

 Axx   Bxx   Cxx   Dxx   Exx   Fxx   Gxx   Hxx   Ixx   Jxx   Kxx
 80    78    76    74    72    70    68    66    64    62    60 = 770

     As of now, candidates A-B-C-D are the lead candidates. The second
choices of candidates E to K would receive a vote each and then be
transferred(added) to the count of the first choices. Suppose the following
second choice votes:

 50    48    45    43    50    41    41    39    37    35    33 = 462
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
130   126   121   117   122   111   109   105   101    97    93

    Now the leading four candidates are A-B-E-C
    The next step is to repeat the routine by giving a vote to the next
available choice of each ballot of candidates D,F,G,H,I,J,K
    The next available choice of the ballots of candidate D is the second
    The next available choice of the ballots of candidates F,G,H,I,J,K are
the third choices.

    This routine keeps repeating until there are no more available choices
    Whichever four candidates are now in the lead, those four are the
elected members from this district.

    This is how I see Salva Voting works when we regard the lead candidates
as the winners.
    Salva, could you use this same example and show us how Salva Voting is
like STV? Thank you.


 T H E   C O D E   O F   H O N O R   F O R   R E F O R M   A C T I V I S T S

     Any group of reform activists that are thinking about a petition drive
to place a proposal on the ballot are to present their proposal beforehand
to all other reform activists that they know of. The time for debate and
negative comments is before the petition stage. Once the group makes its
final proposal and enters the petition stage, the debates and negative
comments by all reform activists is to cease.
    At this time each activist is to make an honest evaluation. If the
initiative will improve government then each activist is to find it in his
heart to support the initiative, even if it is not exactly what the
activist would like.

   |                         Q U O T A T I O N                         |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |       except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."    |
   |                            - Age 10                               |

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