FAQ (was: Let me introduce myself.)

Bart Ingles bartman at netgate.net
Sun Oct 4 12:47:09 PDT 1998

Blake Cretney wrote:
> >Does the group have a FAQ so I don't start in
> >the middle sounding like a fool.
> No, but we need one.  I'm planning to start work on one.  If
> anyone wants to help, contribute, etc. please email me.

The links available on the EM home page
(http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/cpr/election-methods/) seem to cover the
basics well, but don't go into the differences between the various
pairwise methods currently being debated here -- I suggest that that may
be the greatest vacuum right now.  

BTW (Mike or anyone else), how exactly does VA differ from the other
(pairwise) methods?  I had believed that this referred to a tie-breaking
method, and seemed to be self-explanatory, but from the way it's being
touted lately I must be wrong about that.


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